Sunday, April 5, 2009

This and That

Still didn't look at my taxes today but I'll track down the software I used last year and I promise to at least start them this week. Sometimes I thrive on pressure. Tick tock, tick tock....
Like my Sneaky Sheep Swap gift that is due on the 14th, when the Black Sheep Knitting Guild next meets. I know what I want to make (no hints for those inquiring minds) and just have to attack it. Now that my craft room is back in order my mind is freed up to do such a task. I might start it tomorrow, if I take the bus. The weather could be pretty rough, though, so I'll have to see in the morning if standing at the bus stop is a good move.
I made good progress today on my Hoodie Tunic at the knit shop, getting most of one sleeve done, before heading out to see my Dad.
Let's just say that he is sad he is there and realizes he doesn't need to be there. He misses my Mom, who he said is 'a good woman.' Maybe, but he really shouldn't be there, yet. I had dinner with him, a yucky turkey sandwich with busted rippled potato chips and spumoni ice cream for dessert (clearly the best of the offerings). Dad only ate half of a half sandwich. I guess their big meal is the noon offering. The people all around us were so much worse off than my Dad. Wheelchairs, walkers, people who had to be spoon fed either because of strokes or because they no longer remembered how to do such an ordinary task. It was very sad.
We watched the golf tournament on the TV Denise & Mike bought him (good job!) and he had a diet Pepsi from the dorm fridge Renee & Tim brought over for him (kudos!). My measly contribution was a jumbo barrel of pretzel sticks from Costco. I left just before 60 Minutes was set to start at 7 PM. I told him I'd be back on Wednesday with Holly. I was sad but didn't cry -- I was wearing my big girl pants. I couldn't let him see me cry and tried to leave on a cheery note. His being there is devastating.

Wiping tears away as I type, I have to leave you with a nicer thought.

Here are some of the rugs I have hooked. I have two rugs that need to be bound so they're not part of this collage.

My first rug was the Snowman, then there was the Squirrel. Pay no attention to those 'inventive' stars...

Both of these rugs were kits that I purchased from a now closed shop in Northville.

Next I dreamed big (for me) and adapted a Linda Gabrielse (Grand Rapids, MI) quilt applique pattern and used hand-dyed wool to create this flower pot rug:

It is about 34" square. I began it on 1-1-01 and finished it on 2-14-01 -- yes, completely hooked in 6 weeks. Here are a couple of close ups of the detail:

It is one of my favorite creations, even though I still want to change out those light colored leaves for something else.

My last picture for the day is a penny mat that I did a few years ago. It's the only one I've done, even though I really enjoyed the process. I loved not having to pin or baste the pieces down. It hangs by my front door.

Heading to bed early tonight. Mentally whipped, no, make that emotionally whipped. I don't adapt well to change. I like things to be the same from day to day. That's what is always revealed in the personality tests they administer at work from time to time. I'm steady and predictable, if nothing else.

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