Saturday, April 18, 2009

Such a good day

Don't you love it when you get up early on a Saturday and you're nothing but productive all day?
I started the day getting my annual mamm at 7:15 (all looks good so far), then I stopped at Elaine's Bagels since I had a few minutes to kill before the gym opened. What a delicious smell in that bagel shop -- picked up a half dozen bagels including the cinnamon sugar variety that has to have it's own little bag. Next I worked out for 1 1/2 hours, generating a nice stinky sweat. Home for a shower and then out to clean up the front flower beds. Not much to report there but the columbines are on their way:

The roses look pretty good, as do the Hens 'n Chicks. Since I'm late in cutting back the Rose of Sharons I'm not too hopeful they'll flower abundantly. After resting a spell I headed over to knit with the ladies at Right off the Sheep. I worked on my Hoodie Tunic, which only needs 1/2 a sleeve and the hood still:

I'm really enjoying knitting this sweater and can't wait to finish it.

It was fabulously warm today, about 75ºF, so everyone was out at English Gardens, where I went to pick up some cold-hardy Pansies. Seems this is the last of warm weather for a few days so I needed to buy flowers that won't croak when the temperature dips back down to the 40s. Ugh. I also picked up some bird seed for my backyard feeder that was woefully empty all winter. I know, bad, bad girl. I'm making up for it now.

Lastly I headed over to Costco to pick a prescription (which they were out of, darn) and a few bottles of wine (which they happily had). I chose a couple of bottles that had been rated 90 points by Wine Spectator so I'll see if I'm on the same wavelength as the pros.

Here are some pictures of the beautiful pansies I brought home, in their new home in the planter by my front porch:

It was a bit windy when I took these shots (rain is heading in...) but I changed the speed to 1600 to get a better shot of the close ups. I'm starting to the get the hang of this camera, finally.

Lastly, I'll leave you with a shot of the Shepherd's Wool I bought last month at Stonehedge Fiber Mill. I'm planning to knit some hats, possibly felting them, we'll see. All kinds of great colors!

And with that I'm off to press my fabric for tomorrow's quilt workshop. And where are those darn flower head pins I know I have somewhere????

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