Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Knitting Mojo makes a return

This morning, being Earth Day, I returned to taking the public bus to work. For quite some time I've taken it every day but lately, in order to get home sooner, I've been driving my T & C minivan. Driving prevents me from being able to knit on the way to and from work. Unlike some D.D.D. (see yesterday's post) I prefer to knit when someone else is doing the driving, namely my bus driver Clarence.

I started working again on my second sleeve for my Hoodie Tunic. I expect to be done by Friday and then I'll move on to the hood.

A woman on the bus ride home today asked me how many things I make in a year. When I answered somewhere around 100, I'm not sure she believed me. Between charity knitting, show knitting, gifts and personal knitting I'm sure I hit 100. Somehow my stash doesn't seem to reflect the corresponding reduction, much to the delight of local yarn shops!

Here's a fun knitting self assessment for you to think about.......

My Knitting Experience:

Bold for things I have done, italics for things I plan to do one day, and normal for stuff I am not planning on doing. ?? for unsure

Afghan ??


Garter stitch

Knitting with metal wire


Stockinette stitch

Socks: top-down

Socks: toe-up

Knitting with camel yarn

Mittens: Cuff-up

Mittens: Tip-down


Knitting with silk ??

Moebius band knitting

Participating in a KAL


Drop stitch patterns

Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn

Slip stitch patterns

Knitting with banana fiber yarn

Domino knitting (modular knitting)

Twisted stitch patterns

Knitting with bamboo yarn

Two end knitting

Charity knitting

Knitting with soy yarn


Toy/doll clothing

Knitting with circular needles

Baby items

Knitting with your own handspun yarn


Graffiti knitting (knitting items on, or to be left on the street)

Continental knitting

Designing knitted garments

Cable stitch patterns

Lace patterns

Publishing a knitting book


Teaching a child to knit

American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)

Knitting to make money

Button holes

Knitting with alpaca

Fair Isle knitting

Norwegian knitting

Dyeing with plant colours

Knitting items for a wedding

Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…)

Knitting socks (or other small tubular items) on two circulars

Olympic knitting

Knitting with someone elses handspun yarn

Knitting with dpns

Holiday related knitting

Teaching a male how to knit


Knitting for a living (This is my dream.)

Knitting with cotton

Knitting smocking

Dyeing yarn


Knitting art

Knitting two socks (or other small tubular items) on two circulars simultaneously


Knitting with wool

Textured knitting

Kitchener BO


Knitting with beads


Long Tail CO


Knitting and purling backwards

Machine knitting

Knitting with self-patterning / self-striping / variegating yarn

Stuffed toys

Knitting with cashmere



Knitting with synthetic yarn

Writing a pattern

Gloves ??


Knitting with linen

Knitting for preemies

Tubular CO

Freeform knitting

Short rows

Cuffs/fingerless mitts/armwarmers


Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine


Knitting on a loom ??

Thrummed knitting

Knitting a gift

Knitting for pets


Knitting with dog/cat hair

Hair accessories

Knitting in public

If you are a knitter, and participate, leave me a comment so I can read your list!

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