Friday, April 10, 2009

Just plain worn out

I realized tonight that my gas tank is running out. I need a good night's sleep and I need to get back into the gym. I missed three days in a row there and I'm beyond sluggish.

Work is getting stressful with pending staff cuts and the requirement to explain in great detail how our workloads fluctuate from month to month. What a shame that it has come to this. I'm not great at tooting my own horn but I better get there fast or I'll be calling 'MARVIN' before long.

Dad is back home where he belongs and now we begin the search for a home care alternative.

I got my hair cut and colored tonight so I'll look great until I go to the gym tomorrow morning and sweat the new color out. Reminder, take tan towel not the white one, to the gym.

I have to do my taxes this weekend. I even took Monday off from work to be certain it happens. Anyone out there can hold my feet to the fire on this one.

On top of everything I need to make my knitting guild swap item for Tuesday. I'll post progress pics as soon as I get started. I will say it involves cashmere.....................

1 comment:

  1. So what happened with Dad? Probably good he's back home.
    Get working on those taxes and the sneaky sheep, woman!!! Crackle, crackle goes the fire!


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