Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ups and downs...

are part of life. Things are never going to be 100% wonderful. Today is a perfect example.

Sunday is a day to get caught up around the house with cleaning, laundry, just all around tidying up. Things seem to get out of place during the week when free time is always at a premium. Nearly out of dog food for Maggie, I had to scrape out the last remaining crumbs from the food container for her.

With that done I was off to return the webcam to Staples and on to Right off the Sheep to sit and knit with friends. Awaiting me was my birthday present from Kevin, a gift certificate, that I didn't pick up last Sunday because of the quilt prep at my friend Diane's. I didn't have a lick of trouble spending the gift card. I picked out some Cascade 128 Tweed to make the Neck Down Hooded Tunic for Women by Knitting Pure & Simple. I'll try to cast on before I hit the sack tonight and post pics tomorrow.

From there I headed to see my parents and get some felting done using their washer. The felting went well and I was able to help my Mom print some pictures from my nephew's wedding last month. My sister Denise came down from Charlevoix and picked up dinner for us. I would say everything went well. Dad is pretty confused about a lot of things these days but seemed relatively sharp tonight.

The low point of the day was the news that a young lady who went to school with my kids and was part of my daughter's 'inner circle' of friends in school passed away suddenly last night. It's very hard to hear this sort of news and Kevin in particular doesn't handle this type of news well. But actually both of my kids have lost schoolmates, a couple from suicide, and it's hard for them to deal with the loss. My heart aches for her parents and family.

Amazingly enough I managed (with Kevin's help of course) to actually rip a CD to my MP3 player. I'm listening to it now. No snickering, it's the Bee Gees Greatest Hits CD. I grew up loving disco music and danced my silly heart out in the '70s. Actually I love to dance and do it every chance I get. But right now I'm listening to 'Tragedy' which seems so appropriate in light of the news we received today.

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