Thursday, March 19, 2009

Going away for a few days....

with 8 of my quilting friends. We're heading up to Torch Lake to visit our friend Jackie for the weekend. Some of us will bring quilting projects to work on, others of us will knit. Now the whole point of being in a quilting group is to get some quilting done. I find, however, that I miss too much of the various conversations when I work on a project like that and totally prefer to knit instead.

I'm taking my Hoodie Tunic project with me and expect to get quite a bit done on it. Or at least enough that it looks like I made considerable progress on my long weekend away. I enjoy getting ready to go and have made a list. Only 1 problem -- can't find the list! Ugh. Started all over again, desperately trying to recall all of the little bits that I had on that piece of paper.

My ADD really kicks in when I'm packing. I'm all over the house -- getting toiletries from the bathroom, finding grocery items I'd socked away in the kitchen, digging out my dufflebag, remembering my hostess gift. I also made a batch of Rolo Turtles. Then there's lining up the necessary supplies for my sweater in progress -- I've got 4 balls wound -- should I take more? Yes, no, oh too many choices. "Leave the gun, take the cannoli."

It's not too warm up north just yet. I think our warmest day will be about 50 degrees during the daytime. Have to plan on packing cooler weather clothes, boots, too, in case there's still snow on the ground, as we were warned. It should be delightful to get away and be with friends and nice to be off work for a few days. I doubt I'll be back blogging before Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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