Sunday, March 1, 2009

Brisk but sunny Sunday....

Today is my Mom's birthday.  A bit of a melancholy day for me as a co-worker lost her Mom suddenly last Sunday.  You have to enjoy each day you have with those you love because you just never know when you'll lose them. 

I started the day by sending Mom an e-card.  A silly sort of card that plays music and the candles on the cake dance around with canes, like old vaudeville characters.  Next I stopped at the local Dale and Thomas Popcorn shop to pick up what's become the expected gift -- a six-pack variety carton of flavored popcorn.  Mom loves popcorn and even shares it with Dad.  But today, my plans went awry -- no six packs!  I chose 4 bags of various flavors in their place, which delighted Mom to no end.

I took along 3 hats to felt in her washer, since it's the old fashioned type that agitates the heck out of things.  I used Lion Brand Wool which felted quite well, surprisingly.  I've never used a 'big box' store's yarn before but have to say it made for a nice, dense fabric.  

I need to cast on a new cloche style hat out of some Lopi I've had for a bit.  The cloche will have some sort of needle felting embellishment added at some point in time.  I think they really look much better with a little doo-dad added.

After Mom's I headed to Costco for a 'few' items.  $213 later, I packed up the car and headed home.  Ok, so maybe the seven bottles of wine added to the total but virtually everything else was an essential item.  You know -- socks, salmon, omeprazole (Prilosec), tampons, AAA batteries, and on and on.  Remember though, that even if you forget to bring your coupons don't let that stop you from saving money -- spot that coupon brochure in the cart ahead of you and ask meekly if you could have that coupon for the omeprazole, as I did today and the shopper kindly handed it over to me.  Yes!  $4 saved plus another $3 for the tampons I didn't even spot on the coupon page.  Very nearly paid for a bottle of wine!

Almost forgot to give the 'inches lost' update.  As of this morning I've lost a total of 28 1/2" since I began working out last April.  No wonder things fit better!

Time to cast on.....

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